In 1999, there were 23 blogs on the internet. Today? Blogs number in the hundreds of millions.
Many digital marketing experts say a well-produced blog is the number one marketing strategy for businesses – and the MKJ experts agree it’s an important component of a comprehensive digital strategy. It’s why we have our own blog.
If you’re on the proverbial fence about adding a blog to your website, consider these benefits:
More traffic to your website can translate to more sales. It’s that simple, especially if you have a marketing website. Whether it’s because someone shared a link to a blog post on their Facebook page and a friend clicks, or your local Chamber of Commerce shares a link to a preplanning article, blogs drive website traffic. Some studies report companies who blog receive 97% more links to their site from other sites.
One of the biggest benefits of blogging is its huge potential for generating leads. One HubSpot study indicated small businesses that blog see 126% more monthly leads than those who don’t. Also, 61% of online consumers in the U.S. have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog. You will see more leads, and more ROI, when you offer interesting, well-written blog articles.
Did you know that search engines, like Google, consider the “freshness” of your website in search rankings? When deciding where your site appears in search results, Google considers factors such as whether or not new pages have been added recently, when those pages were added, and whether you have keywords related to trending holidays, business services, news stories, or events. Adding blogs to your site can accomplish all of those things, when done correctly. Not sure what SEO is or how you rank in search results? Reach out to us for a free search audit.
Research indicates that as many as 81% of consumers say they trust information they find on blogs. With a blog, you can prove you’re an expert by providing helpful tips and other valuable information. You can tell the story of your brand, the history of your funeral home, and specifics about the services you offer. More ways of building trust.
Having fresh, custom, interesting content to share on social media is critical to engagement and overall page success. Blogs provide this content on a regular basis – all with calls to action that lead the consumer back to your website.
The question posed by many funeral homes is this: “ But who has the time to blog?” Exactly. Writing and managing a blog well takes a lot of time and effort. We know funeral directors, managers, and owners don’t have time to write, proof, edit, and publish blogs with professional photography and video. Many budgets are too tight to allow for a full-time staff member to handle it. Blogging gets pushed so far down on the priority list, it doesn’t happen at all. That’s where we come in.
With MKJ, blogging is simple. If you already have an MKJ marketing website, we can add a blog platform (if you don’t already have one) and post the blogs for you. We can create custom blog posts in your voice on the topics that are important to you. Each post will be proofed extensively and paired with compelling photos or video. Every blog is also reviewed and edited by our in-house, Google-certified SEO expert for your specific keywords. If custom content isn’t as important to you, you can choose to subscribe to our affordable blog library. Each library post still contains SEO keywords, your funeral home name, and relevant in-bound links to other areas of your website.
To learn more about our blog services , or to schedule a free digital consultation , visit our website or call Courtney Gould Miller at 888-655-1566 .
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(888) 655-1566
8 Cadillac Dr.
Suite 300
Brentwood, TN 37027
MKJ Marketing