We’ve all done it: Zoned out during a speech that was a little ho-hum. Abandoned a book after a lackluster first chapter. Clicked off an article that didn’t grab our attention. As marketing experts , our team at MKJ knows businesses have mere seconds to capture a consumer’s interest with their websites, blogs, brochures, and social media posts.
In the death care and end-of-life industries in particular, the question is, “How can we communicate our quality and expertise in a strategic way?”
Recently, Courtney Gould Miller , COO, Legal Counsel, and Head of Digital Strategy at MKJ Marketing, was featured in an article published by CRäKN, a software company specializing in customizable funeral home software (click to read: https://www.crakn.net/industry/how-exactly-can-a-funeral-director-create-high-quality-content.html ).
In the article, Gould Miller shared her expertise, describing how funeral directors can create high-quality content that will appeal to families. She says, “Before creating every piece of content, you should try to think like your families. Then, before ever hitting publish, you should ask: Does this help the consumer? Is this written with his or her experience in mind?”
Gould Miller continues, “Keep in mind there’s such a lack of information about funeral planning, funeral practices, cremation, and more today. So, blogs —or other forms of content such as articles, resources, etc.—fill that gap. This is content that is really important to consumers in choosing funeral homes.”
Market research shows that blogging is a must for funeral homes, says Gould Miller. “In focus groups, we repeatedly find consumers say about our clients’ blogs, ‘Wow, what a resource. I would definitely read how to write an obituary or what to wear to a funeral or what to do to comfort a friend.’”
From starting a blog or Facebook page , to retargeting your website traffic with email and online ads, to creating television and radio spots that make an emotional connection with the viewer, MKJ Marketing has the resources to support your complete online presence. “We have all the expertise in-house to make sure all your marketing, including online, represent[s] the quality and uniqueness of your brand,” says Gould Miller.
Want to learn how MKJ can help your funeral home enter new markets, beat your competition , and increase volume? Visit our website or call 888-655-1566 to schedule a free consultation. Our professional team has assisted thousands of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, and death care industry suppliers in accomplishing all of their marketing objectives. And we’re only a phone call away.
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(888) 655-1566
8 Cadillac Dr.
Suite 300
Brentwood, TN 37027
MKJ Marketing